
Frequently asked questions

What is a Branded Online Community

A brand-owned online community offers marketers the channel to both house their consumer relationships and cultivate data in a mutually beneficial way. Having access to an engaged panel of consumers allows your brand to be agile, but in an intentional way rather than by forced circumstance.

How Is It Different Than My Current CRM Or CDP?

CDPs and CRM platforms have evolved tremendously over the years and are an important and critical aspect of a marketers arsenal in capturing, understanding and learning from their customers. The consumer relationships that hold steady through unstable environments have three key factors. The relationship is wholly owned by the brand, it is driven by frictionless and personalized brand experiences and the community   fosters emotional connections. CDP’s and CRM platforms are the starting point, Cohora helps you evolve your relationships beyond a simple transactional one, capitalizing on social interactions that you own.

How Can It Inform My Marketing Activities?

The consumer relationships that hold steady through unstable environments have key three factors. The relationship is owned wholly by the brand, it is driven by frictionless and personalized brand experiences and it is good at fostering emotional connections. These emotional connections create user generated content that you own and can information several strategic aspects of out reach that are informed by your customers, their sentiments, the content and their participation.

How Does It Differ From My Facebook Brand Page?

While cultivating consumer relationships is a priority, today many brandsare doing it in a way that leaves them vulnerable. The who, what, where, when, how and why of consumer relationships matters. If you're relying on a social networking site to house your consumer relationships, you are vulnerable. If you're qualifying a consumer relationship as merely part of your email database, you are vulnerable. If your consumers' incentive to be loyal is driven by transactional behavior, you are vulnerable.

Does This Mean I Don't Need Other Media Channels?

Your existing marketing strategy and channel mix most likely will be positively influenced and informed based on the data that you are learning/collecting from your community, ranging from personalization by segment, keywords, product mix, offers etc.

How Will My Customers Know About It?

The community is a seamless part of your existing brand and is the center point of how they engage with your existing loyalty programs.

Will I Need IT Support?

Minimal to no-support will be required specific to Cohora.

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